Say Goodbye to Hair Oils, Topicals, DHT Blockers, PRP, and Even Transplants

Imagine discovering the true reason behind your hair loss and addressing the root cause to start regrowing your hair naturally.

Stop getting swayed by ads on websites, YouTube, and newspapers that promise miraculous results with hair oils, topicals, supplements, or transplants. Instead, find a real solution that works.
"You'll never regrow your hair."
"Once it's gone, it's gone. The best you can hope for is to keep what you have."
These words from a close friend in 2015 echoed in my mind, and he repeated them in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Over time, they bothered me less, but they still lingered.

Hearing this for the first time in 2015 was tough, especially when others started saying the same thing. Even now, in 2024, I occasionally get this question from readers.

When I began my hair growth journey in 2015, I found the same discouraging message everywhere—YouTube videos, forum posts, Reddit threads, blogs, friends, and even so-called online experts all echoed the sentiment that regrowing hair was impossible.

Hardly anyone discussed natural hair loss recovery methods. Worse still, the evidence supporting these approaches was minimal. I could find only a handful of poorly taken before-and-after pictures to back up their claims.

So, I decided to go on a mission to prove them wrong by achieving real results and gathering a substantial amount of proof to support natural hair recovery methods. While I don't yet have insurmountable evidence, I have collected enough before-and-after photos to convince many people to try this approach.

I have defied what everyone said to me and what I read online back in 2015 and 2016.

Now, it's your turn to challenge these false beliefs holding you back and start growing some serious hair.

My goal for this year (2024) is to help as many people as possible transform their hair, complete with before-and-after photos.

I want to prove to the naysayers that you can regrow hair without Minoxidil, Finasteride, PRP, or hair transplants.

Will you be one of them? If so, keep reading.

These are all achieved using Artificial Intelligence Technology I developed, without having to use Minox, Finasteride or any other treatment. 

Look at my photo taken in May 2018 taken in Chicago Conference with my Mentor Perry Marshall

Hi, I’m Sukrut Khambete, and I'm here to show you how to identify the root causes of your hair loss and start reversing it—all without using topicals, oils, minoxidil, finasteride, DHT blockers, hair growth supplements, PRP, or hair transplants. Plus, you can maintain your hair without spending money on these treatments.

Think I’m full of it? Check out this photo—it's my father, regrowing his crown hair at age 70 using Artificial Intelligence Technology I'm testing. (More details on the page below, keep reading.)
How amazing is it to finally see someone you’re helping start to regrow their hair?

For many, it seems difficult or even downright impossible. I get questions about it every week, sometimes multiple times a week. To be clear, I’m not claiming to have found a cure for hair loss—not even close.

What I have found is a way to scientifically assess, identify, and correct the underlying issues. Using a specially designed Root Cause Analysis Questionnaire and Lab Test Interpretation, I help people reverse their hair loss.

When people send me photos of their progress, I don’t need to use fake testimonials taken from the web or lifted directly from Instagram or hair transplant websites. Others rely on those because they can't produce results. I don’t have to because I produce real results.

I often get questions about the authenticity of the before-and-after photos. Many think I’ve lifted them from the internet because the dramatic transformations people achieve through diet changes, lifestyle interventions, and scalp stimulation exercises seem impossible without a hair transplant. I consider that a compliment.

To address this, I uploaded a video to my YouTube channel where you can see me speaking about it.

Most people don’t believe hair loss can be reversed naturally. They think they need to use topicals, oils, supplements, and medications.

I used to be in the same boat.

I helplessly thought that nothing could ever help me get my hair back except a hair transplant.

I had already tried...
1. Nail Rubbing
2. Onion/Garlic Juice
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
4. Gooseberry
5. Shaving Hair/Keeping hair small
6. Multi-vitamins
7. Scalp Massage

And none of them worked to my satisfaction. I had even given up on the thought of ever getting my hair back.

Whenever I searched online for solutions, I mostly came across YouTube videos, forums, and groups filled with so much negativity that thinking outside the box wasn’t even allowed. All they preached was the "BIG 3."

Finasteride/Dutasteride or Saw Palmetto
Ketoconazole Shampoo

If you suggest something different, you might be banned from the forum for allegedly promoting a product illegally or spreading lies, or you could be harshly criticized.

This is what happened when I posted my results on Reddit. Instead of welcoming them, I received overwhelmingly negative feedback. Take a look here...
After reading all of that, I became so disillusioned that I lost hope not only in regaining my hair but also in helping others.

However, I can understand the skepticism. I've witnessed numerous scams where individuals from Asian countries, including India, have cheated people from the USA, Canada, UK, European countries, Australia, and more out of their hard-earned money by selling counterfeit products or services. This has unfortunately cast a shadow over those who are genuinely trying to help.

Despite this, I'm committed to changing these perceptions. I have provided—and am ready to provide more—proof to alleviate any concerns you may have.

But I realized that losing hope was not the answer I was looking for.

I realized that I had to find the answers myself; no one was going to hand them to me on a silver platter.

So, I adopted a trial and error approach, relying on research, self-experimentation, and validation from others on the same journey.

In fact, my hair loss story might sound familiar to you.

I’m currently 37 years old, but back when I was 17, I had normal hair just like everyone else. I was an avid swimmer and always wore a swimming cap.

A year later, people began to notice a bald patch developing on my crown. Back then, I naively assumed it was due to my swimming, so I stopped immediately, but I didn't take any further action to address the hair loss.

When I started my Chemical Engineering degree at ICT (formerly known as UDCT), several college friends pointed out the growing bald patch. However, I hardly paid any attention to it because it wasn't even noticeable to me in the mirror.

Take a look at this photo of me when I was 19, taken in a classroom at ICT.
Here's a photo of me at 20, taken during a college trip
Looks like normal hair, doesn’t it? No signs of baldness, at least not in the photos.

I thought the same for many years, which is why I didn’t take any action for a long time.

As time went on and I completed my engineering degree, more and more people began to comment on the growing bald patch at the top of my crown. Back then, I didn’t care much about my looks.

First, because it wasn’t obvious. Second, I wasn’t actively pursuing relationships, and I wasn’t overly concerned about my appearance. I figured that aging and baldness were inevitable, and if I started losing hair by 50, it didn’t really matter to me.

However, as the years passed, the criticism became harsher and sometimes downright insulting.

My colleagues began to hint at my impending baldness and even suggested I get married soon.

According to them, no one wants to date or marry a bald guy. Some even hurled abusive and derogatory remarks my way.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable and frustrated, I decided to seek expert help.

Preferring alternative treatments over Western medicine at the time, I turned to a relative who was an MD in Homeopathy. He claimed to have helped a veteran from the Bollywood industry regrow his hair in his late 60s.You can read that story in my 30 month Hair Regrowth Journey. 

Encouraged by family members who had benefited from his help, I decided to consult him. He prescribed Homeopathic medicines and a bottle of oil, which I diligently followed for a couple of months before giving up.

I observed no changes, a sentiment confirmed by some of my family members. However, I don’t blame the protocol, as two months is quite a short time to expect visible results.
This photo was taken at my school reunion in 2011. Take a look at the crown area; you can see some thinning.
This photo was taken in 2012 while I was playing the piano at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. Notice the visible thinning in the crown area.

During my graduation years, my health was generally good, except for some afternoon fatigue. However, over time, due to a series of unfortunate events, my health deteriorated, and new issues emerged.

1st Incident : Death of my Mother in 2007
This is a photo of my mom and me when I was just a year old. She was almost the same age as I am now.

On November 13th, 2007, just two days before my final exams, she passed away from cancer at the age of 48... and I miss her every single day.

She was first diagnosed with cancer in 2002 and underwent surgery. Unfortunately, the cancer returned in 2007, spreading throughout her body, and she died within nine months of the diagnosis.

Her loss left a deep scar on my mind, and many of my health issues began or worsened within a year or two of her death.

I was devastated. How could this happen?

Reflecting on the past, the signs leading up to my mother’s cancer revealed a clear pattern:

She endured lifelong acid reflux and stomach pain, fertility issues, hyperthyroidism, hair thinning, migraines, depression, severe PMS, bipolar disorder, fatigue, anxiety, acne, and ultimately, breast cancer followed by ovarian cancer that spread throughout her body before claiming her life.

My mother’s ordeal is a stark example of what can happen when underlying health issues are ignored for years while modern medicine focuses solely on treating symptoms. She suffered through years of thyroid medication, antacids, painkillers, and ultimately, surgery.

This highlights a crucial lesson: ignoring broader health signs while focusing solely on a single symptom like hair loss can have devastating consequences.

The worst part?

I nearly faced the same fate between 2013 and 2015.
2nd Incident : Business Failure in 2013
After graduating in 2009, I worked for a year before taking a leap of faith in 2011 to start my own business. As a newcomer to the business world, I lacked the understanding of how to make it work, and I later realized that the industry I had chosen wasn't the right fit for me.

I worked tirelessly to get the business off the ground, but nothing I did seemed to help. Instead, I found myself sinking deeper into financial debt. Gradually, I proved to myself that no matter how hard I tried, it just wasn't going to work. Each year in the business felt like a growing burden, a mounting evidence of my ineffectiveness that became impossible to ignore.

It left me penniless and dealt a severe blow to my self-esteem.

While my friends were advancing into business schools, PhD programs, forming relationships, securing high-paying jobs, getting engaged, married, and having children, enjoying diverse cuisines, and traveling around the world, I was stuck. With no money, dwindling friendships, deteriorating health, and seemingly no way out of this situation, I felt utterly lost.

3rd Incident : Breakup with Girlfriend in 2014

As I was recovering from my business failure, another challenge was waiting for me. I left the business in 2013, around the same time I entered into a co-dependent relationship with my girlfriend. We both tried to make it work, but I was constantly haunted by the fear that she would eventually leave me.

My worst fears materialized when she left me in 2014.

That was a double whammy. My existing health issues worsened during this time.

Meanwhile, as I was trying to build a new business, I neglected my health. I frequently ate out, skipped meals, slept late, and slept less—habits that deteriorated further after my breakup. Ultimately, this neglect took a significant toll on my health.

In 2013, my health began to decline rapidly. I was overwhelmed by fatigue every afternoon, feeling drained throughout the day. Despite trying numerous changes—adjusting my diet, exercise, sleep patterns, supplements, and more—nothing consistently worked; it was all hit or miss.

I also grappled with a myriad of other health issues. I was in a constant state of anxiety, experienced frequent mood swings, and my hands and feet were always cold. I explored various alternative treatments, but none provided lasting results.

Additionally, I started experiencing constant skin breakouts, and sometimes the itching was so severe that I couldn’t sleep for many nights in a row, leading to a vicious cycle of low energy.

I used to suffer from sharp headaches after lunch and dinner, so intense it felt like my head might burst. Despite numerous changes to my diet and plenty of rest, the excruciating pain persisted. Resting seemed to only increase my fatigue, leaving me unable to focus on work after meals.

Additionally, my memory began to fail me. I struggled to recall basic details like what I had eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner on the same day, as if my brain was shrouded in fog. My sexual health also suffered; I stopped experiencing morning erections and rarely had erections even when sexually aroused.

Worst of all, I started experiencing severe digestion issues. Despite eating what I believed to be healthy, homemade food, I suffered from bloating and food allergies. It became challenging to travel or meet people without worrying about needing to rush to the bathroom. I often felt uncomfortably incomplete after using the restroom.

Certain foods triggered immediate, sharp headaches and skin rashes, making the following hours almost unbearable. Sometimes, the only relief came from resting just to feel somewhat normal again.

Simultaneously, I began losing my hair rapidly, accompanied by severe scalp itchiness. Each time I combed my hair, I would find 30-50 hairs in my hands along with a significant amount of flaky dandruff.

To avoid embarrassment and shame, I resorted to styling my hair in unusual ways.

You might have experienced a similar phase, asking yourself, "Why me? What's wrong with me? Why am I losing hair despite maintaining a proper diet and exercise routine, while that unhealthy person who never exercises and eats junk food has a full head of hair?"

The reasons behind this will become clear when you learn about the three pillars I discovered.

Initially, I tried to conceal my bald spots by growing my hair longer elsewhere, but eventually, there weren't enough hairs left to cover the thinning areas of my scalp.

Do you ever feel disheartened when you see a handsome hunk or a gorgeous model sporting a hairstyle you'd love to try, but you just can't?
In August/September of 2015, as I was combing my hair in front of the mirror, I could clearly see through to my frontal and crown areas. I didn’t like what I saw.

"Where the heck did my hair go?" I exclaimed in a moment of shock.

I felt like I had lost my battle with hair loss, and that there was nothing I could do to regain my hair.

To manage the severe itch and hair thinning, I started seeking advice from friends. The most common suggestion was to shave my head. Not liking the idea of going completely bald, I opted instead for a buzz cut (army cut) at the barber's.
For a while, the buzz cut provided relief from the hair loss, dandruff, and itching. I felt a brief joy, but it was fleeting.

One October morning in 2015, my father woke me up at 7 AM. "Sukrut, wake up. What happened to your hair? Why don’t you do something about it? Have you thought of visiting a doctor?" he asked.

Panic-stricken, I asked him about the severity of my thinning hair. He observed that my crown was in very bad condition and insisted I needed to take action.

My father had never commented on my hair before, so his concern deeply worried me. If he noticed, it must be serious.

Around the same time, a close friend also began pointing out my thinning hair, even making jokes about it. Whenever anyone mentioned my hair or its absence, I would experience severe panic attacks. I started avoiding friends, but soon realized that wasn't a solution.

The mere thought of someone questioning me about my hair loss made me physically tremble. Looking at my hair in the mirror triggered panic attacks.

Back then, I felt I had only one option: a Hair Transplant.

In December 2015, I attended the wedding of my friend's sister, where I met one of his friends, a man in his early 40s who was completely bald. He had explored various treatments for hair thinning in his youth but had not succeeded. He encouraged me to consider a hair transplant procedure from a reputable clinic.
So, I began researching hair loss clinics, but after encountering a myriad of negative reviews online, I decided to steer clear and undertake my own research instead.

Research is a long and arduous process, especially since I had already tried all the popular recommendations available on the internet. Some methods had worked for me, while many others had simply wasted my time. Wanting reliable results, I chose to look beyond the usual advice found on popular blogs, YouTube channels, and forums.

I delved into academic research on various types of hair loss and started purchasing books and courses from authors who seemed to offer sound advice. My exploration wasn’t limited to hair loss; I also studied topics related to thyroid issues, the mind-body connection, hormonal imbalances, heart disease, fat loss, leaky gut, and mineral imbalances, among others.

This broadened my understanding and led me to realize that baldness isn’t just a genetic issue, as many believe. There are deeper, less explored underlying causes. This insight led me to view hair loss not just as an isolated problem but as part of a broader systemic issue.

Those who develop male pattern baldness are also at increased risk for several chronic conditions, such as coronary heart disease, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Most solutions you find on the internet adopt a reductionist approach, suggesting that hair loss is solely a problem of the hair, not the body. That’s why there are both FDA-approved and unapproved drugs specifically targeting hair loss.

However, in my work with individuals experiencing hair loss, I've found that their issues often extend beyond just losing hair. They also experience
Multiple Bowel Movements
Problems with Sleep
Fatty Liver
Constant recurring infections
Low/No sex drive
The list goes on and on

But I think these issues might be common even among those who don't experience hair loss.

So the crucial question arises: "Why don't they lose hair?"

I don't have a definitive answer for you right now, but when you explore the three pillars I've discovered, it will start to make more sense.

I believe these problems can activate certain genes, and even if you aren't losing hair, you may still face other health issues in the future. Just because you have a full head of hair doesn't mean you're in perfect health. Conversely, if you are losing hair prematurely, it’s also a sign that not all is well with your health.

It's common for people to reach out to me, sharing their experiences with hair loss clinics, OGV, Minoxidil, and other treatments, frustrated by the lack of positive results.

Many of them tell me about a new Ayurvedic or Homeopathic doctor, or a new oil, topical, or remedy they've discovered that promises to restore their hair. However, when we follow up after a few months, they often report little to no improvement, and in some cases, their condition has worsened.

As their hair loss continues, their frustration, disillusionment, and aggression increase.

Ultimately, they find themselves facing a few inconvenient and expensive options, left with no choice but to select one of these paths or accept their hair loss.
Hair Transplant

Have you reached the point where you no longer have time for trial and error?

Here’s a tip for spotting someone who is balding: Look at their social media profiles. A balding person might use clever photo tricks on Facebook. They might use lighting to obscure their hair loss, post pictures taken from a distance, wear hats to cover up thinning areas, or, in some cases, use old photos. Others might avoid posting any new photos for extended periods.

The hair loss industry is structured to keep you from the truth. It feeds you what you want to hear, rather than what you need to hear.

This is the Principle I follow

Get to the Truth. Not the Sale.

Have you ever read the story of Beowulf and Grendel? In it, Beowulf defeats Grendel, but then he faces Grendel’s mother. He quickly learns that the weapons effective at the top of the swamp fail in its depths. At the bottom, Beowulf finds a new sword, which he uses to defeat Grendel's mother.
I realized that common treatments like topicals, Minoxidil, Finasteride, oils, and supplements only mask symptoms and fail to tackle the root cause. It's like dealing with Grendel but ignoring his mother. Most therapies might temporarily resolve an issue without addressing its origin, leading to recurring problems and temporary solutions for hair loss.

However, when the people I work with start focusing on overall health, the changes aren’t just about correcting hair loss. They also experience relief from dandruff and itching, improved emotional resilience, smoother bowel movements, restored stamina, cessation of migraine attacks, and a rejuvenated sex drive.

This 180-degree shift isn’t just about their hair—it's about their entire body. That's why my approach may not appeal to those seeking quick fixes for hair loss and other health issues. Everything in the body is interconnected.

A healthy body is essential for hair regrowth. Without adopting a healthier lifestyle and diet, overcoming health issues remains a distant goal. Without addressing these underlying issues, any improvement in hair condition is likely to be temporary and dependent on ongoing maintenance. Once you are healthy, however, maintaining your hair becomes much easier.

Many people sell supplements, oils, and topicals on the internet to reverse hair loss. There's nothing inherently wrong with that approach, but it's not my focus. I don't cater to those seeking a magic bullet solution.

Instead, here's what I do:

Truth Telling: I confront hard truths. I shatter illusions and demolish fantasies, offering a dose of reality.

Holistic Advice: Unlike reductionist methods that treat symptoms, I recommend holistic solutions. For example, if estrogen is high, I suggest balancing it with fat-soluble vitamins; if prolactin is high, I recommend zinc; if DHT levels are elevated, I suggest saw palmetto.

Real Solutions: I offer elegant, effective approaches, not temporary Band-Aids.

Timing: Most people come to me after other therapies have failed—transplants, topicals, DHT blockers, PRP—without success. Those who remain hopeful after these experiences are ready for my advice.

Selective Audience: I refuse to cater to the gullibility of those seeking quick fixes for hair loss. That’s why I don’t promote or sell hair regrowth oils, supplements, or topicals.

I could significantly increase my earnings by selling hair growth supplements, oils, topicals, or partnering with companies that do. However, I will only promote products or services that I truly believe will benefit you, and I would do so even without financial compensation.

In mid-2016, while I was just beginning to see some progress in regrowing my hair, someone suggested I try PRP. At that time, my recovery was slow, especially at the crown, though my frontal hair was responding better. Despite the slow progress, the idea of quicker results was tempting.

I had a phone conversation with someone who had seen good results with PRP and recommended it. Even though opting for PRP could have potentially accelerated my hair regrowth, I knew it wouldn't align with the principles I was advocating. If I were to preach one method and secretly adopt another, I would be deceiving those who trusted me, and that is something I could not justify.

There is nothing more important than your trust.

Despite the slower progress and the significant density gap, I never resorted to PRP, transplants, mesotherapy, laser helmets, Minoxidil, or Finasteride in secret. Instead, I focused on refining my approach until I finally cracked the code.

When I shared my results with the person who had originally suggested PRP, he was so astonished that he decided to seek my advice instead of undergoing another PRP session. He began following my recommendations and even sent me photos showing his improvements. Although the comparison photos might not be perfect—the right side picture is of wet hair—it's still apparent that his hair looks denser.

Determination and Patience Are Key

I won’t claim that the path I propose is easy—it's not. But it's one thing to regrow your hair while improving your overall health, and quite another to focus solely on hair regrowth while neglecting your body, which often leads to short-lived results.

What Do You Seek?

If you're searching for a quick fix with oils, supplements, or topicals, then this might not be the right place for you. That’s perfectly fine. However, if you’re ready for a more comprehensive approach, you're in the right place.

It’s not just about what you do; it’s about who you become in the process.

Why I don't dispense free advice ? What's the problem with the free advice ?

There's no accountability with free advice. If you follow it and don't see results, the response is often, 'Well, it was free—what did you expect?' I don’t have the luxury of saying that. I stand behind my advice because I practice what I preach. I've tested these methods myself—I drink my own Kool-Aid.

The Typical Journey of a Hair Loss Sufferer:

a. Hope: I'm confident I can regrow my hair.

b. Discovery: I just found a YouTube video/forum that might solve my hair loss. Finally, I'm going to get my hair back!

c. Initial Success: This seems promising; I'm noticing some positive changes.

d. Setback: I'm still experiencing hair loss.

e. Searching Again: Time to watch another YouTube video, visit another forum, or read another blog post.

f. Combination Attempts: Maybe combining different approaches will yield better results.

g. Waiting Game: I'm not seeing any results yet; maybe I should wait three more months.

h. Disappointment: Three months have passed, and there are still no positive results. Maybe it's time to try something new.

i. Continued Effort: Watch another YouTube video... but still no results.

j. Frustration: I'm getting frustrated. Maybe nothing will work for me. I might never get my hair back.

k. Last Resort: Maybe I should consider PRP or a hair transplant as the only remaining solutions.

l. Disillusionment: I'm totally frustrated and disillusioned, feeling cheated by the entire hair loss industry.
I once found myself trapped in this very cycle, feeling just as lost and frustrated as you might feel now.

What did I do when confronted with these challenges? Like many of the people whose before-and-after photos you see today, I didn't initially know the next step to take. I chose to tackle the problem head-on, embarking on a lengthy and challenging journey of research, trial, and error.

After much effort and helping numerous individuals, I began to piece together the puzzle.

It gradually unfolded like a roadmap before me, though it wasn't always straightforward or apparent. I had to overcome numerous myths that were holding me back. Here are a few common ones:

Myth 1: It’s in my genes. Nothing I do will make a difference.

Myth 2: It’s all about DHT. If I just block DHT, everything will be fine.

Throughout this letter, I will debunk these myths that have held you captive for years.

Once you begin improving your health, not only will you start regrowing your hair, but you'll also take control of your overall wellness. Suddenly, you'll possess the tools needed to combat hair loss whenever it arises.

This realization—that I needed to discover my own solutions and that no one would hand them to me—led me to delve into the research of Danny Roddy, Dr. Ray Peat, Morley Robbins, Chris Masterjohn, and Dr. Weston A. Price.

In addition to consulting existing research, I began conducting my own independent studies and connecting the dots. I also established a group of beta testers who believed in my ability to help them. I would propose a theory based on my research and self-experimentation to the group. We would test the theory, and if it proved successful, I documented the results. We also explored ways to refine our testing methods to maximize outcomes.

We would then proceed to the next theory. Some theories yielded excellent results, while others were less effective. However, each test provided valuable learning experiences.

As you read this, I am actively testing new hypotheses to refine and enhance my approach, ensuring it delivers the best possible results for you.

First Idea : Detumescence and Ray Peat Diet

The first method we tested was Scalp Massage (Detumescence Therapy), inspired by the remarkable work of Rei Ogawa and Henry Choy, combined with the Pro-Thyroid Diet as proposed by Dr. Ray Peat and popularized by Danny Roddy. Here are some of the results achieved with this approach:

Take a moment to view these photos. These individuals achieved their results without using Minoxidil, Finasteride, PRP, hair transplants, or any topical treatments.

These successes are the direct outcomes of the Pro-Thyroid Diet and Detumescence Therapy.
In the span of 3 months (I know photos are not very clear and improvements are not that impressive
Look at the results achieved by this girl in 9 months 
But do you know something interesting ? She had lost all hopes of getting her hair back 9 months back. Here is the email she sent me first time several months back
In addition to these results, I received numerous messages from individuals who successfully stopped or significantly reduced their hair loss by adopting Detumescence Therapy and the Pro-Thyroid Diet. However, I wasn't entirely satisfied with the results—both my own and those of others. Despite the new hair growth and thickening we observed, very few were able to grow their hair back to its normal length, similar to the limitations seen with topicals and essential oils.

After more than a year of following this approach, I noticed a tremendous improvement in the frontal third of my scalp. I aimed to go beyond receiving positive feedback like "My hair fall reduced from 100 to 50 hairs," seeking more substantial photographic evidence of transformation.

By the way, the results I achieved with Detumescence Therapy and the Pro-Thyroid Diet were nothing short of spectacular. Here are some photos showing my progress:
However, I didn’t see as spectacular results in the middle third and crown areas of my scalp. In fact, the improvement in the crown area was negligible compared to the significant gains in the frontal region.

Please have a look at these photos (apologies for the less-than-ideal quality):
I quickly realized that I needed to adopt a different and more radical approach to improve the results for myself and other members.

I delved deeper into scientific literature, referencing books, courses, videos, and blogs from experts who believe that mineral imbalances can contribute to various conditions, including hair loss and hair thinning.

Second Idea : ZMA and Morley Robbins Root Cause Protocol

Prominent researchers like Dr. Chris Masterjohn (who follows Dr. Weston Price’s principles), Dr. Joel Wallach, and Morley Robbins greatly influenced my approach. I immersed myself in books covering a range of topics to better understand the potential connections. After extensive research and introspection, I hypothesized that a key factor in hair thinning and loss could be due to nutrient deficits or excesses.

Taking this stance was a bold move, especially in the realm of hair loss, where skepticism abounds. One major hurdle was that I had limited results and few success stories to back up my theory.

When I first shared my results on Reddit, hoping for a positive reception and that others might be inspired to follow my lead, the response was overwhelmingly negative. About 80% of the feedback was harsh; users tried to discredit, abuse, and even bully me, with some claiming the photos showed no real changes or accusing me of using Photoshop.

The backlash only fueled my determination to prove the skeptics wrong. Based on my latest research, I decided to test this theory on myself and other members, unsure if it would be a breakthrough or a complete failure.

Over the next 6-12 months, it became clear that I had stumbled upon something significant. Not only did I witness tangible results myself, but many others also began sending me their before-and-after photos. Gradually, numerous members in the group started sharing their success stories, both within the group and directly to me.

That's how I came to know about Vitamin B6 connection with diffuse hair loss

Once I began addressing nutrient deficiencies, the stagnant hair growth resumed. Here are some of the photos showcasing the improvements:
Taken in April 2017 (This is just few weeks before I started testing the new theory)
24 July 2017 
14 March 2018 Hair Length more or less same. Same lighting. 
End of June 2018. Hair length is at least 4-5 cm less, still more coverage

February 2021 (Taken with Flash in direct Sunlight with 15-20 MP Camera, earlier photos were taken with same laptop camera to have better comparison) 

Here are some photos others sent 
(Some/All testimonials can be verified upon request. Some/All of these people are in Whatsapp/Telegram group or in touch with me. If they are ready to connect with you, I will help you get in touch with them so you know these people and their photos are real and not taken from Google or Instagram)
I have provided whatsapp screenshots whenever possible so you know these photos are sent to me by actual users, not of transplant, PRP or taken from Internet. I will see if I can upload Whatsapp or Telegram screenshots for every photo I have received. 
Please understand that these results are not typical. 
June 2017
March 2nd week 2018
April 2017
3rd week of August 2017 after addressing nutrient deficiencies & adopting pro-thyroid diet 

                        March 2019                                               January 2020

December 2015
August 2017 (3 months after addressing nutrient deficiencies and Diet Changes since May 2017
June 2018
September 2018 
June 2018
September 2018
April 2019
August 2018
September 2018
December 17
May 2018 
August 2018
December 2018 
September 2018
January 2019
March/April 2018
June & September 2018 






5 month changes




6 months

1 month changes

2 months transformation

December 2020 to January 2021

3 Months

March 2020 to May 2020

November 2020 to January 2021

August 2019 to December 2019

                       September 2019                                       January 2020

                        Dec 2018                                                    January 2020

September 2019 to February 2020

June 2020 to June 2021 (5 month changes from January to June 2021)

November 2020 to January 2021

April 2020 to July 2020

6 month changes

April 2020 to August 2020

1 month changes

2 month changes

3 month changes

15 month changes

July 2020 to October 2020

1 month changes

5 month changes

4 month changes

April 2021 to August 2021

3 Months Transformation

2 Months Transformation

October 2019 to March 2020

April 2020 to June 2020

November 2019 to July 2020

November 2019 to May 2020

Some unsolicited/not so comparable testimonials 
3 Months changes
May 2017
August 2017
8 month changes
Hair length is little more in right and angle is not perfect but in front, you can see the changes
                      September 2017                                        August 2019

Third Idea : Subliminals

In May 2018, after returning from Chicago, I realized I had hit a plateau in my hair regrowth journey. Despite the dietary changes I recommended to others, I was seeing little to no improvement in my own condition. Nevertheless, I remained hopeful and continued to make small adjustments over the next few months.

In just a few days, I significantly reduced my hair loss, going from losing 100-200 hairs a day to fewer than 40-50. Additionally, I successfully regrew about 100 hairs along both sides of my hairline.

See those hairs along hairline started growing longer which were stagnant for more than 2 years.
I don’t have any before after pics because I didn’t know if it will ever work and I didn’t bother to take good photos to track it

3 Month changes

2 month changes

4 month changes

4 month changes

These people added Subliminals along with Diet changes.

Fourth Idea : Biological Conflict (German New Medicine)

For the longest time, I observed clients who:
a. Followed nearly every recommendation but saw no results.
b. Made some progress, only to see it completely reversed within weeks.
c. Had no family history of baldness but began losing hair in their late 20s or 30s after specific life events.

I struggled to understand or explain why these patterns were occurring. I had always believed that diet, supplements, scalp exercises, subliminals, and similar approaches would offer at least some relief, as they had for others with similar hair loss patterns.

Yet, in these cases, I was left without answers. These scenarios made no sense to me, and I felt a loss in understanding what was happening. It was clear there was a crucial piece of the puzzle I had yet to discover or understand.

My quest for answers began anew, leading me to discover German New Medicine.

Over the last 5-6 years, through observing thousands of people and communicating with them via email, WhatsApp, phone calls, Skype, and Google Hangouts, I have identified three critical pillars that are essential to successfully stopping hair loss and regrowing hair. I've come to understand that there is a definite hierarchy to these pillars.

 1st Pillar : Conflict (Top Most Important Pillar)

4 years ago, I discovered Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and German New Medicine. Despite my initial skepticism about the role of emotional conflict in hair loss, I decided to delve deeper. I reached out to my clients, surveyed them, and engaged in conversations to uncover the truth.

As I began collecting responses and engaging deeply with my clients, probing for deeper insights, I quickly realized the significant truth behind the connection between emotional conflicts and patterns of hair thinning.

I observed that specific patterns of hair thinning in men correlated with certain types of conflicts. Different patterns suggested different conflicts. With over 1,000 responses analyzed, the trends became increasingly clear. This aligns with the First Biological Law of German New Medicine.

This discovery forms the most critical pillar of understanding because if certain types of active or unresolved conflicts are present—or if past conflicts are reactivated—then all efforts to combat hair loss with herbs, supplements, diet, or topicals become essentially misleading. These methods might only offer temporary relief, or they might not help at all.

Here are some examples

He first developed alopecia in July 2019, with patches appearing in the same spot and then spreading over the following months. By October and November 2020, the areas began to recover; the patches started shrinking, and hair began to regrow from the center.

He attributed this change to Detumescence Therapy, but I was skeptical. If Detumescence was effective, why did it suddenly start working after 1.5 years and not sooner?

I explored the possibility of unresolved emotional conflicts. Through further discussion, the situation became clearer. He explained that his father had started building a home before 2000 but had to stop due to financial constraints. Over the years, he saved enough money, and although a long-term opportunity arose, travel restrictions during the pandemic prevented him from pursuing it. However, from August 2020, he shifted his mindset and completed his home construction in October-November 2020 with his savings.

It seemed that resolving this long-standing conflict paved the way for his hair loss recovery. Before noticing alopecia in July 2019, he was under significant work pressure and financial strain, leading to depression from November 2018 to August 2020. Nevertheless, he managed to finish building his home.

Additionally, he felt that returning to live with his parents in March 2020 after a long time also contributed to his recovery.

In the case of this woman, a toxic relationship with her spouse not only contributed to her frontal hair receding but also led to thyroid issues.

Once she began addressing the issues with her spouse and worked towards resolving their conflicts, she started to see regrowth along her hairline—without any dietary changes, supplements, topicals, or oils. Remarkably, she had been on medication for hyperthyroidism for three years without any improvement and chose to discontinue those medications as well.

Note: She has colored her hair in the left photo. Both photos were taken with her hair tied back.

The person in the photo noticed his hair thinning shortly after starting a Keto diet, which initially led him to believe that the diet might be the culprit. Around the same time, he was also dealing with a difficult breakup with his ex-girlfriend.

With no history of hair loss in his family—neither his parents nor his grandparents experienced it—he began to consider other possible reasons. Upon recognizing the impact of the emotional stress from his breakup and addressing these issues, he improved his diet by adding more B vitamins and increasing protein intake. Despite seeing no results for a year, these adjustments eventually contributed to significant hair regrowth.

The before and after photos were taken just over a month apart.

He diligently followed all my recommendations, including consuming brown eggs, unfortified nutritional yeast, bee pollen, and more, yet he saw no improvement in his hair condition. When I probed into possible conflicts, it emerged that he was employed in a stressful job with a controlling and abusive boss.

The timing of his hair thinning coincided with the start of this job. I advised him to address the workplace stress or consider changing jobs. Initially skeptical, he did not take immediate action. However, months later, he sent a new photo showing noticeable improvement. Upon inquiry, he revealed that while his diet remained unchanged, he had long since left the job.

He was in a relationship with a woman he later discovered was narcissistic and unfaithful. After catching her a few years ago, he was embroiled in a prolonged and contentious custody battle. It was during this stressful period that he began losing his hair, which continued despite various treatments. Although medications like Minoxidil and Finasteride had slight effects, they did little to significantly halt the hair loss.

However, once he emerged from the difficult divorce and custody battle, gaining custody of his children, he made dietary changes. These adjustments led to noticeable hair recovery, particularly in the previously balding middle area of his scalp.

For 2-3 years, he was losing 100-200 hairs daily. Despite trying imported shampoos, biotin supplements, finasteride, and minoxidil, none of these treatments facilitated regrowth or even halted his hair loss; the situation remained unchanged for three years.

When we spoke in September 2019, I discovered he was still struggling with unresolved issues from his relationship with his ex. After I helped him recognize this conflict, he took steps to resolve it, including ceasing communication with his ex. Since then, his hair loss has significantly decreased to less than 50 hairs a day for over a year now, achieved without the use of any previous treatments and often without any supplements.

Though he hasn’t regained all his lost hair, he saw some improvement within just two months, and his hair loss has permanently reduced to below 50—a level he hadn’t achieved with any other therapy over the last three years.

He had been diligently following my recommendations since the start of the year, but ongoing conflicts with his wife and in-laws were overshadowing his efforts, preventing any progress in his hair recovery.

Recently, he sent me updated photos, and during our latest conversation, he revealed a significant detail: his noticeable improvement coincided with the resolution of his conflicts with his wife and in-laws. This breakthrough in his personal life played a key role in his hair regrowth success.

These are just a few examples among many. When I delve into discussions about conflicts during my interactions, I frequently uncover similar cases. You can see these discussions, along with before-and-after photos of the individuals involved, in our WhatsApp and Telegram groups.

2nd Pillar : Overall Microbiome (Overall Microbiome which naturally involves Bacteria, Fungus etc etc) (Second Most Important Pillar)

This pillar draws from the Fourth Biological Law of German New Medicine, emphasizing the critical role of gut microbes during the healing phase of a conflict.

Properly balanced gut microbes play an essential role in healing the damage caused by conflicts, as well as other factors such as poor diet, environmental influences, and medications.

However, the health of your gut microbes can be impacted by several factors you might not even be consciously aware of. 
a. C-section Delivery
b. Use of Antibiotics
c. Using Hormones, Birth Control options
d. Mercury fillings and Heavy Metal Poisoning
e. Drinking Chlorinated water
f. Eating foods high in Sugar
g. Exposure to Mold, Fungus etc etc

If the necessary microbes that help repair damage are destroyed and not replenished, conflicts and other factors can cause irreversible harm. Recent research highlights the significant role of the gut microbiome in androgen metabolism. Specific species of gut flora can influence hormone regulation in such a way that hormones are safely metabolized and eliminated from the body, thus impacting their recirculation, conversion, and expression at various sites, either positively or negatively.

 T-G = Glucuronidated Testosterone , DHT-G = Glucuronidated DHT

Comparison of glucuronidated and unconjugated androgens in intestinal contents of conventionally raised (CONV-R) and germ-free (GF) mice: unconjugated (free) and glucuronidated (gluc)

This study reveals that certain gut microbes in the colon possess the ability to deglucuronidate glucuronidated testosterone and DHT, impacting the conversion and metabolism of both testosterone (T) and DHT.

Reflecting on my entire journey, a clear pattern emerges: whenever I neglected the first and second pillars, I experienced accelerated hair loss. Similarly, those who initially regained their hair but later compromised these foundational pillars often saw their hair gradually thin again. This trend appears to be consistent among nearly everyone who suffers from rapid hair loss and thinning.

Fifth Idea : Morphic/Information Fields

After exploring various methods like diet adjustments, massages, supplements, subliminals, and biological conflict identification and resolution, I still hadn't achieved complete hair recovery. Yet, many others were still hoping for better, faster, and more effective results.

Determined to avoid conventional treatments such as topicals, oils, dermarolling, PRP, finasteride, and minoxidil, I decided to delve into serious research and test some innovative ideas. Previously, I had experienced positive changes using morphic fields from channels like Sapien Med and Quadible Integrity, which affected various aspects including jaw reshaping, skin lightening, belly fat reduction, teeth whitening, memory enhancement, pain relief, and even some hair regrowth. However, these fields had not significantly improved my hair condition.

Back in 2019, I lacked the technology to create my own morphic fields and relied on those created by others. Despite extensive reading and experimentation, I struggled to develop my own fields and continued to research and test various other approaches along the way.

Rupert Sheldrake

In late 2021 and early 2022, I began to synthesize the various methods I had studied, tested, and researched into creating morphic fields. This integration proved successful for me, so I proceeded to develop additional fields. These also yielded positive results, prompting me to create even more. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with many individuals reporting significant improvements. Here are some of the results


Sixth Idea : Using Artificial Intelligence based technology to regrow hair
In 2023, I developed AI based Morphic Fields Technology called "Field Activator" which listens to your commands. It can help you do a lot of things
1. Activate any supplement, herb, medicine from Amazon or Outside (like activating supplements, herbs for hair regrowth)
2. Activate any Cream, Oil, Topical anywhere on the body/body parts (like activating topicals, oils for hair regrowth)
3. Activating any Free or Paid Morphic Field, Subliminal, Binaural Beats from any Creator (like activating morphic fields for hair regrowth)
4. Emulate effect/s of exercise/s on body just through imagination or video demonstration (like activating effects of Detumescence of any hair or head massage)
5. Emulate energetic effects of any machine, equipment on body (like activating laser helmet)
6. Activate any specific commands to achieve specific purpose related to health
And also talk to it explaining your health issue and it will help you solve the problem based on 3 types of Intelligence this technology has namely
a. Innate Intelligence
b. Personal Intelligence
c. Collective Intelligence

This has network effect, the more people use it, more things people would use it for, the more Personal Intelligence and Collective Intelligence it will gather and become more effective solving the hair and health issue. 
It sells for $30/month separately but as a subscriber of Hair Regrowth Blueprint, you get access to it for free. 

My father used same formula 
I helped him activate many supplements, herbs for hair and overall health. 
I helped him activate many well known natural topicals, oils with proven results.
I helped him activate several morphic fields I created and from other creators
Over the period of 1 month, this is the result

Here are some more results achieved using Artificial Intelligence based Technology

Imagine being able to experience the benefits of any supplement, medicine, herb, oil, topical, formulation, machine, or treatment—whether it's released to the public, still in experimental phases, under clinical trials, or already available. Typically, the costs for such advancements can be prohibitive, but imagine if you didn't have to worry about that. Imagine achieving the effects of your favorite remedies without actual possession.

Picture using a Derminator or Dermapen without having to purchase one. Visualize accessing gene modification techniques to halt hair loss and promote regrowth, or experiencing the benefits of a fecal transplant if your hair loss is linked to digestive issues. Consider the possibility of applying topicals or serums still in clinical trials and unavailable to the public, or accessing drugs and formulations that are banned or under trial and not typically accessible.

Think about obtaining the effects of a laser helmet without the hefty price tag, or gaining the benefits of PRP, stem cell therapies, and more, without actually undergoing these treatments. While these options won’t magically regrow your hair and may require some trial and error, and careful consideration of potential side effects—especially with experimental or gene therapies—the idea is compelling esp copying hair genes of your favorite celebrities or actors or sportsman after proper due diligence. 

Imagine having all these possibilities at your fingertips, compared to someone who might wait years on forums, blogs, or YouTube to gain access, let alone afford them.

So I documented all these findings, methods, techniques in a step by step resource which is called "Hair Regrowth Blueprint"
According to my genetic report from, I am not predisposed to experiencing hair loss before the age of 40, nor am I likely to develop a bald spot. However, looking at my family history, both my maternal uncle and grandfather started losing their hair in their 20s and are either completely or partially bald.

This discrepancy suggests that whether through activation or deactivation, I've influenced the genes responsible for hair loss. If you consider my family background, you might believe I have genetic hair loss, yet I have begun to reverse the process. Conversely, if you believe I’m not genetically predisposed to hair loss, then the bald patch and thinning I experienced raise questions.

Ultimately, the changes in my hair condition can be attributed to modifications in my diet and lifestyle, which have either activated or deactivated certain genes, influencing hair loss and regrowth.
On what basis I am saying this ? You ask
Here are trends I found after analyzing more than 1000 lab results
Now, let's talk about how you can start reversing this phenomenon.

I have come to realize that there are 3 levels at which you can regrow hairs.
1. Physical or Gross Level : You can use Topicals, Oils, Herbs, Supplements, Foods, Massage to regrow or thicken hairs.
2. Mental/Psychological Level : You can use Subliminals, Positive Thinking, Mind-reprogramming, Placebo effect to regrow or thicken hairs.
3. Information Level : Morphic Fields, Frequencies, Consciousness Methods

3rd Pillar : Diet/Supplements/Herbs/Subliminals/Morphic Fields/Artificial Intelligence (The last pillar)

While diet changes, supplementation, and herbs (excluding DHT blockers) play crucial roles, neglecting the first and second pillars means the benefits from these changes may only be temporary. Many experts and researchers overly focus on these aspects, overlooking the foundational pillars that are truly critical.

In my early years, I too made this mistake. I received many positive reports from clients, but after they stopped their supplements or changed their diets, hair thinning would resume within a few months.

Recently, I've been focusing on educating people about identifying and resolving conflicts, as well as improving their overall microbiome health. This knowledge helps them maintain their hair over the long term, even without adhering to a strict diet indefinitely.

Conflicts can significantly undermine microbiome health. Conversely, diet and supplements can either negatively or positively influence gut microbes, which in turn can mitigate damage caused by conflicts.

To enhance these effects, combining these strategies with Morphic Fields can further boost results.

This isn't to suggest that diet changes and supplements aren't important. However, by prioritizing the first and second pillars, you can ensure that your results are not only effective but also long-lasting and less burdensome.

In fact, I've outlined several patterns I've observed in people with receding hairlines and crown thinning. These insights can help you become more self-aware and identify similar trends in your own life to understand the underlying causes of your hair loss and take steps to halt its progression.

I've also included various resources that I've personally used to help manage and mitigate conflicts. These tools can aid in redefining how you perceive issues, enhancing your observance, maintaining emotional balance, letting go of stressors both mentally and emotionally, and shifting your priorities.

Over the past six years, I've invested thousands of dollars in books, courses, lectures, and consultations to equip myself with the tools necessary to address these conflicts, and I continue to do so regularly.

I call it "R5 System"
What you are going to learn inside Hair Regrowth Blueprint

"R5 System"
Step 1
Root Cause (Remove, Reduce or Rule Out)
I have developed detailed Root Cause Questionnaire which will help you to back-trace possible root causes including identifying types of conflicts, Dietary Lifestyle & Environmental Triggers. 

Then I will look at your Lab Parameters (Blood Work), I will help you resolve Nutrient Deficiencies and balance other Lab Markers required to reverse Hair Loss.

We will also identify and discuss conflicts and how to resolve or downgrade them. 
Step 2
Reset Scalp
Once you identify the root causes of your hair loss, it's crucial to bring your scalp to its optimal condition. This includes addressing issues like dandruff, scalp inflammation, and excessive sebum production. Restoring the health of the scalp's layers—epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat—is essential not only to halt hair loss but also to create the ideal environment for hair growth.
Step 3
Reactivate Dormant Hair Follicles
It is done by specific scalp massage techniques to activate dormant hair follicles and put them into optimum condition for Hair Regrowth. They will increase micro-circulation in your scalp while helping you break calcification, reverse fibrosis, resolve tight galea and restore the natural blood supply.

How to Perform Detumescence Therapy & Towel massage ? Video Demonstration

This is not the only way to reactivate Dormant Hair Follicles, I have included other ways to do that as well. 
Using Artificial intelligence to activate different things oils, topicals, formulations along with emulating effects of microneedling and herbs, supplements and different therapies. 

Check Detumescence Morphic Field
(You can listen to it with earphones/headphones or keep them on your scalp for better results. No conscious attention is required.)

Real Detumescence vs Detumescence Morphic Field
1. Active vs Passive
2. Sore fingers/hands vs no sore fingers/hands
3. Not enough pressure or pressing right points vs targeting right muscle groups, bones, connective tissues, veins
4. Difficult to maintain sustainability over time vs easy to maintain sustainability
5. Difficult to do it more than once or tiring or overwhelming vs can be used on repeat on scalp or in ears
6. Cant be done anywhere in public places vs can be done anywhere, nobody would know

Artificial Intelligence can let you get effects of it without having to do actual massage or listening to this but by just locating video of Detumescence and saying emulate effects of this massage on my scalp hair for X repetitions. 

Step 4
Regrow Hair
To regrow hair, you also need to add foods, supplements, herbs to address deficiencies or problems but also you need to add many foods, supplements, herbs which will kickstart and sustain growth of activated dormant hair follicles to make it into full fledged hair. 

You can use Artificial Intelligence to get effects of all amino acids, vitamins, minerals, herbs, plants, supplements, oils, topicals, therapies like PRP, machines like dermapen and laser helmet without having to spend any money. Check sample script of what you can possibly do without having to spend any money

Activate Field Manager. 
Activate Text File Activator. 

Activate Amazon Marketplace Emulator.  

Activate PURE SYNERGY Super B-Complex | Vitamin B Complex Made with Organic Whole Foods dose of 1 tablet, using Triple Layer Softgel Technology, eliminate other ingredients, 

Activate Amazon Elements B Complex, High Potency dose of 1 capsule., using Triple Layer Softgel Technology, eliminate other ingredients, eliminate 

Activate Armra colostrum, dose of 2 gms

Activate NOW Supplements, L-Lysine (L-Lysine Hydrochloride) dose of 20 tablets, eliminate hydrochloride, eliminate other ingredients

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Liver dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Brain dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Adrenal dose of 2 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Tallow dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Bovine Tracheal Cartilage dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Heart dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Lung dose of 2 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Living Bone dose of 2 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Ovine (Sheep) Thymus dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Living Collagen dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Bone and Marrow dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Organs dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Kidney dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements MOFO: Male Optimization Formula with Grass Fed Beef Organs dose of 1 capsules Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Intestines dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Prostate dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Placenta dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Colostrum dose of 6 capsules 

Activate Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Thyroid, dose of 1 capsules 

Activate Ancestral supplements Grassfed Beef Pancreas, dose of 1 capsules, eliminate gelatin

Activate Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast Flakes, dose of 2 tbsp

Activate Lauricidin Monolaurin Supplement, dose of 1 scoop

Activate  DS-01® Daily Synbiotic , dose of 2 capsules

Activate Nature's Way Dong Quai Root , dose of 2 capsules, eliminate other ingredients,

Activate Sports Research Vitamin K2 as MK-7, dose of 1 veggie capsule

 Activate Jigsaw Health Mag SRT B Free , dose of 4 tablets, eliminate all other ingredients

Activate Pure NMN, dose of 2 capsules. 

Activate TMG, dose of 2 capsules. 

Activate SIRT6 Activator, dose of 1600 mg. 

Activate Pure Berberine, dose of 500 mg.  

Activate Pure Resveratrol, dose of 1 capsule.  Activate, Pure Fisetin, one serving 800mg Activate, Pure Quercetin, dose of 2 capsules, 800 mg 

Activate, CA-AKG, dose of 2 capsules, 800 mg 

Activate, Pure Apigenin,  one serving of 500 mg 

Activate, Pure HYALURONIC ACID, dose of 200 mg

Activate Wholesome Story Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol dose of 2 capsules, eliminate other ingredients,

Activate SMNutrition, DIM Supplement, dose of 4 capsules, eliminate Bioperine eliminate other ingredients

Activate Universal Morphic Field Player and Mandala/NFT Activator 

Activate Grey Hair Restoration by Sapien Med for 4 hours.  

Activate Grey Hair Restoration v2.5 by Sapien Med for 4 hours.  

Activate Hair Loss PRP treatment Powerful Plus +11x (Extra Strong) by Sigh energy for 8 hours. 

Activate Stem Cell Powerful Plus+11x(Extra Strong)  by Sigh energy for 8 hours. 

Activate Lion’s Mane  by SapienMed for 12 hours 

Activate Legendary Hair Serum by SapienMed for 12 hours 

Activate Hair loss treatment + thickness by Maitreya Fields for 12 hours

Activate Machine Effect Emulator

Activate Derminator on my scalp skin where I have thinned or lost hairs, 12 needle cartridge, FAST speed, needle size of 1.5 mm for 15 minutes to help thicken and regrow new hair on entire scalp  

Activate Dr. Pen ultima A6 professional microneedling pen only on my scalp skin area where I have thinned or lost hairs ,36 pin cartridge, needle size of 2.5 mm for 15 minutes safely at 3x speed to help thicken and regrow new hair on entire scalp 

Activate Hairguard Growband on my Scalp skin and Scalp Hairs for 10 minutes to regrowing and thickening hairs. 

Activate iRestore Essential Laser Hair Growth System on my scalp for 20 minutes to help stop hair loss, thicken and regrow new hair on entire scalp 

Activate Topical Oil Cream Gel Liquid Powder applicator.

Apply 2 ml of Neo Hair Lotion on my Scalp skin and scalp hairs for thickening and regrowing my hairs. 

Apply 3 ml of Alopeciacure oil on my scalp skin and hair for thickening and regrowing hair. 

Apply 2 ml of Amazing Hair Saviour oil to my scalp skin and hair for thickening and regrowing hair.

Step 5
Retain Hair
While regrowing hair can be challenging, the most crucial aspect is retaining the hair you have and any new growth. By learning to identify the causes of hair loss through your symptoms, blood work, past experiences, and with my guidance, you can more effectively halt further loss and maintain your existing hair for a longer period.
Bonus : Exclusive Access to Whatsapp/Telegram Group
I am committed to ensuring your success, helping you implement effective strategies, keeping you motivated throughout your journey, and seeing you achieve real results. For this purpose, I have created a WhatsApp group of like-minded individuals who share their experiences—both successes and challenges. This is where I gather most of my testimonials.

In the group, members can ask questions and receive answers from both their peers and me directly. Since hair regrowth is a long-term endeavor, this community support is designed to prevent you from feeling discouraged and quitting midway. Joining the group isn't mandatory, but it significantly enhances your chances of success.
Why this is different from any other system ?
Many products, whether books, medicines, oils, or topicals, adopt a "shotgun approach," advocating for a single solution:

"Perform this 'Detumescence' massage and regrow your hair."
"Apply this topical like Onion Juice or Castor Oil and see regrowth."
"Take this supplement—Iron, Biotin, Saw Palmetto—and see results."
"Use this laser helmet for a full head of hair." (Which is complete nonsense.)
In contrast, I avoid these oversimplified and often ineffective strategies. Instead, I utilize a comprehensive approach that includes detailed questionnaires, conflict identification, and specialized lab testing—not your conventional lab tests—to scientifically address hair loss.

I guide people in balancing their minerals and vitamins through diet changes and targeted supplementation tailored to their specific needs. Here's how my approach stands out:

Holistic Assessment: I consider various symptoms, not just hair loss, as hair loss is often a symptom of underlying issues. It's crucial to address these broader health indicators.
Natural Methods: I promote natural ways to halt hair loss and encourage regrowth, steering clear of steroids, drugs, cosmetic procedures, and costly equipment.
Affordable and Inclusive: My methods are designed to be accessible to everyone. They target the root cause of the problem without causing financial strain.
If you are in India

If you are in India, you can choose to pay for 2nd and 3rd program with EMI (Equated monthly installments) on Instamojo like this. You need to have necessary Credit Card to do the same. 

Secure Payment through Instamojo
If you have trouble paying through Instamojo or if you don't have Credit/Debit Card, use Paytm/Google Pay or Phonepe or Bank Transfer Options
For International Customers outside India

Pay using Paypal

You try some of these tracks with earphones/headphones, listen to it 3-5 times and see how they affect you. 

Want to use Paypal if you are an International Customer ?
Choose appropriate amount either $99$149 or $97/month for next 6 months or $500 depending on Product you choose. Once you finish the payment, you will get access to the product in 12-24 hours.
What's the difference between 4 packages ?

One Time Fee, No Hidden and Recurring Charges
  • Access to Artificial Intelligence based Technology Field Activator
  • Regimen of Successful Respondents 
    The people whose photos have been displayed on this page, what they did and didn't do. 
    Constantly updated to reflect regimen of almost everyone who is featured here
One Time Fee, No Hidden and Recurring Charges
  • Everything that is included in Hair Regrowth Blueprint : Root Cause Analysis
  • Skype/Whatsapp Call or Google Hangout which lasts anywhere from 90-180 minutes once
  • Access to Artificial Intelligence based Technology Field Activator
If you are Indian, you can pay it using EMI Option on your card, if you are International Customer, you can choose to pay it once ($500) or $97/month for next 6 months and then it stops. No other hidden payments.
  • Everything that is included in Hair Regrowth Blueprint : : LAB INTERPRETATION, ANALYSIS, TROUBLESHOOTING OVER SKYPE
  • Skype/Whatsapp/Phone Call or Google Hangout which lasts anywhere from 90-180 minutes once every month for next 6 months (You can reschedule calls or use them later as per your need and availability) (if you pay the full amount or continue to pay monthly fees)
  • Access to Artificial Intelligence based Technology Field Activator
How Hair Regrowth Blueprint Program will work out ?
1. Choose one of the Programs you think is appropriate for you
2. Purchase it using Credit/Debit Card, Paypal, Bank Transfer, Paytm/Google Pay/Phonepe etc etc
3. You will get access over Email
4. You will be given access to the Root Cause Questionnaire, Conflict Hair loss Questionnaire, Gut Microbiome Questionnaire.
5. You will go for the prescribed lab tests (Vitamin D, Thyroid Profile and Hemoglobin, Iron (Serum Iron, Ferritin, Transferin Saturation), Liver Enzymes etc etc and send me your lab reports for analysis 
6. I will ask you for your overall diet and based on that I will tell you to add specific foods/superfoods, replace or remove certain foods from your diet based on your Questionnaire and Lab Reports
7. We will discuss to identify conflict/s and see how you can downgrade or resolve the conflict/s. 
8. We will also discuss what other techniques and methods you need to add to the mix in order to see regrowth. 
9. You will then start following the plan of action, track the results, keep in touch with me and others in the group and monitor your progress. 

Guidelines to follow once you buy /before you buy one of these programs
1. Self-Initiative Required: If you need constant supervision and follow-ups, these programs might not be suitable for you. Due to the high volume of participants, individual follow-ups are challenging. However, you're encouraged to stay proactive and reach out for assistance as needed. I've compiled all essential information in the Blueprint for your convenience.

2. Response Time: Please allow 24-48 hours for responses to your inquiries. While I strive to reply within 12-18 hours, there may be times when a delay occurs. If you don't receive a response, kindly follow up with me.

3. Respect for Time: Understand that purchasing this program does not entitle you to unrestricted access to my time. While I am eager to assist, please be mindful of my schedule and do not expect immediate responses.

4. Professional Conduct: Respectful communication is expected at all times. Any form of insult, abuse, or unfounded accusations will result in a prompt refund, as I do not tolerate such behavior.

5. Networking: If you wish to connect with clients who have seen positive outcomes, message me on WhatsApp, and I will facilitate an introduction. While I cannot guarantee that a specific individual will respond, I'll do my best to connect you with someone relevant.

6. Group Access: Access to the WhatsApp/Telegram group is granted after completing the required lab testing. This policy ensures that all members are committed to actively participating in and contributing to the process.

7. Group Rules: The WhatsApp/Telegram group operates under specific guidelines, which will be communicated to you upon joining
Please note, I am not a medical doctor or a healthcare practitioner, nor am I affiliated with the medical profession. I am a researcher dedicated to helping individuals experiencing hair loss and thinning find hope and potential solutions.

What I Can and Cannot Do ?

Lab Tests: I can recommend lab tests that either your doctor can order, or you can arrange independently.

Medical Advice: I cannot diagnose or treat any diseases or illnesses. However, I can provide resources such as books, courses, or referrals to healthcare practitioners that may guide you in the right direction, based on my extensive research and experience.

Important: Please ensure you read the Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions carefully to understand the scope of my guidance and your responsibilities.
However, it's not for everyone.
1. If you can't afford the food, lab tests, then this is not for you. Don't worry, they are not very expensive. Lab testing requires anywhere from 2K ($30) to 20K ($300). If you are in India, it will be more or less around 2-3K and if you are outside India, it would cost probably around $200 to $300 and some of the tests are covered under Insurance. 
2. If you are very busy or you pretend to be very busy and can't devote time to make conscious healthy choices when it comes to food and perform Detumescence/Towel Massage regularly, then let's part the ways for good.
3. If you don't want to make any changes in your Nutrition and just want to depend on Topicals/Oils/Supplements/Medications, then this is probably not right for you.
4. If you are looking for some magic pill or quick fixes, then the best idea is to probably stay away. 
5. If you want to buy and get all the information and then ask refund the very next day, then please don't buy this anyways. I will still issue a refund to you because I believe in "Law of Karma" but you will be the one to suffer consequences. 

Buy it for right reasons and with right expectations, otherwise don't buy at all. 
Other Programs/Oils/SuPPLEMENTS/tOPICALS
  • They will sell you on some shampoo, supplement, topical , massage techniques
  • They tell you what you want to hear

  • They may give you temporary results but they will not last long, constant maintenance is required and results might not even visible after few months

  • They use fake photos to lure you. They lift photos from Google, Hair Transplant websites or Instagram.
  • They give you wild and unrealistic promises

  • Doesn’t solve the problem from the Root
  • Probably won’t thicken/regrow hairs

  • Hassle to get refund. Multiple emails, messages, calls and sometimes you won't even get any refund.

  • They don’t give any Guarantees. In case, if they give guarantees, they don’t live up to it

  • I help you discover true cause of your hair loss based on your lab reports and dietary & lifestyle assessment
  • I tell you what you need to hear even if you don’t like me or probably don’t buy my program or even ask for a refund
  • You will see slow but steady results if followed properly. Improvement in health and other health conditions you have. Helps you catch future health problems early on. (It also might happen that I may not be able to help you)
  • I use photos I get from users without any editing even though they are not dramatic transformations
  • I will tell you where I can help and where I can’t. You know my limitations
  • Attacks problem from the Root
  • Thicken existing hairs, growth of stagnant hairs. In some cases, also regrows new hairs. 
  • Email me or message me or call me. I will process the refund within 3-5 days. In some cases, it might get delayed if I am traveling. 
  • I give specific guarantee, if you follow the steps I laid out for you and if you don’t see the results, I will give 100% money back. 

Me with Ryan Levesque in Las Vegas in November 2017

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q. for Hair Regrowth Blueprint)
My hair loss is genetic ? How this will help ? Even my Doctor told me that it's irreversible  

Look at my report above. According to the report, I don't have the genes responsible for balding, then how come I had the bald patch and hair loss in my early 20s and before that ?

So if you are smart, capable and powerful human being and if you can think for yourself, just know this. 
"The reality is no doctor cares about your hair and health more than you do. With that in mind, I’d encourage you to refer to some of the reference links I have provided at the bottom of this page."

Print your favorite paper from those several papers that talk about thyroid hair loss connection, stress hormones hair loss connection, calcification hair loss connection" and take them to your doctor.

In the end, the buck stops with you. You are the “CEO of your health.” You get to make the decisions and I encourage you to be as informed as possible. 

If you take some time to research about German New Medicine (BTW, I am not a certified German New Medicine Practitioner) and if you ignore Wikipedia page which says it's Pseudo Science and actually read and learn more about it and read success stories over the internet and if you have read Dr Hamer's books in German, English etc etc you will know he has extensively documented his research and verified it in multiple universities as well.  
Is it OK if I do lab test later ? Will I still get the results ? Why the lab test is necessary ? It seems expensive in my country 
It's OK to do Lab Test result later within 1-3 months if you have genuine reason
1. Lab Test in your Country/Region costs a lot more, more than $100 or $200 even for the basic tests
2. If the testing labs are located  very far from the place where you live (highly unlikely but still possible)
3. If lab testing is not possible, even the basic tests without Doctor or Medical Practitioner's Intervention (might happen in UK and some European Countries)
4. If you have a genuine reason
In case, if you can't or don't want to do all the tests, these basic tests are very important 
a. Hemoglobin
b. Serum Iron
c. Transferin Saturation
d. TSH
e. Vitamin D
f. Liver Enzymes

The lab tests are necessary because sometimes depending upon lab parameters, the advice can drastically change. Without it, there are certain common guidelines, you can always follow, but test results pinpoint exact problems. That's why it's essential for faster results in most cases. 

Would you still get results without lab test ? Possibly, I can't say. Most possibly, you will get some results, but with lab results and analysis, you will get much better results. 
Basically, the content is same in both. 

The difference is level of personalized feedback you will get in final one. As you know I help people based on lab work. HAIR REGROWTH BLUEPRINT : LAB INTERPRETATION, ANALYSIS, TROUBLESHOOTING OVER SKYPE is for those who want face-time, want me to review their diet, interpret lab results, and everything in between, this package includes a 90-180-minute one-on-one Skype with me.

This is how it works: you go through the content, answer the questionnaire, get my feedback on it, do lab testing, then we set up a time to video chat each other.

We can talk about your lab tests, how you can balance the minerals, techniques to activate dormant hair follicles, the things I am experimenting currently which are not in blueprint YET, etc. To get the most out of your time, I suggest arriving to our Skype with list of questions you have so we can have better utilize our time.  
So how natural/holistic Hair Regrowth Blueprint is ? 
It depends on your definition or preconceived notions about NATURAL/HOLISTIC. My definition of Holistic is using Diet modifications, balancing Mineral Imbalances using mostly food and high quality supplements in some cases but using natural ways to stop hair loss and regrow new hair and using techniques which don't involve buying any equipment or undergoing any surgery or injecting or ingesting something from outside. 

My approach doesn't involve using just topicals to deal with hair loss. I do talk about it but I think that's just 20% of the equation (Detumescence, Essential Oils) 

I focus more on identifying conflicts, helping you find resolution, other methods to activate dormant hair follicles and regrow hairs and thicken existing hairs. 

I don't recommend any drugs, medications or herbs to block DHT or any other Hormone to regrow hair. I don't recommend going for PRP, Hair Transplant etc etc unless that's what someone wants to go for. I tell others to focus on working from Inside out instead of Outside in to regrow hair. I do it based on detailed questionnaire I have developed and based on their lab results. 

I usually suggest foods, super-foods sources from high quality source and some supplements (Food Based or Non Food Based) based on your lab reports and requirement. However, I don't recommend Vitamin D, Iron, Calcium, Synthetic B-Vitamins, Ascorbic Acid supplements. I think they are very dangerous based on the research I have done
Is it a book or e-book ? I am confused
It's not a book or an e-book. It's a webpage which is updated with all the information you need including 5 Steps in Detail including Questionnaire, Interpretation of Questionnaire, Video Demonstration of Towel Massage and Detumescence, Conflict Resolution methods, Experimental Approaches to regrowth, Diet Ideas, Supplement Guide, Troubleshooting Guide, FAQ

There is no physical book will be shipped or you won't receive any PDF. I have made it online because I update blueprint every few months with updated research and effective methods working for people. It's completely free once you buy it. 

How to access content that you have bought ?
1. If you have bought through Indian Payment Getaway, you will get email from Instamojo giving you links to access the content in Yellow Highlighted Part. Wait for some time or check your SPAM folder for message.
Depending on the program you have selected you will get access links including links to register into Membership Portal and access the new version too.
2. If you have bought through International Payment Getaway using your Card or Paypal, you will get access through your email. You will have chance to download it. In downloaded document or text file named "Access Codes", you will get links to access the content including links to register into Membership Portal and access the new version too.

How would you determine root cause/s of my hair loss ?   
I have developed detailed Hair Loss Flow Chart , I have also created detailed questionnaire to narrow down possible causes, conflicts, lab work to identify mineral status in the body based on that I will determine possible triggers for your hair loss and hair thinning. I also take into account your Lab Reports. 

A lot of times combination of Questionnaire and Lab Testing reveals a lot of things. That information is used to create customized plan of action for you. I also discuss and try to nail down the conflicts so that we can track origins of hair loss and nip them in the bud. 

Which tests I have to do ? I have already checked my Haemoglobin, Thyroid, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, they are in range/not in range. 
Although testing for Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Thyroid and Haemoglobin is definitely helpful but that's just 20% of the equation. There are other important minerals and vitamins like Iron (Serum Iron, Ferritin, Transferin Saturation), Folate, Homocysteine, Liver Enzymes, Serum Copper, Serum Zinc, Ceruloplasmin you need to test. 

You have 2 options, test them and take it to your Doctors. 
1. Because most labs have very broad ranges as acceptable ones, most probably your doctor will tell you that "there is nothing wrong with you". 
2. If any of your values are lower or higher, your doctor will prescribe you supplements/medications. That's not what I do. I can't legally prescribe you medications because I am not a Doctor. I won't randomly tell you to take Vitamin D supplement because I know our body doesn't create deficiency of a sole mineral or vitamin, it's usually imbalance in Several Minerals/Vitamins. e.g. Vitamin D deficiency is not just Vitamin D insufficiency but also insufficiency of Vitamin A, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, Boron, possible Liver, Kidney issues. High doses of supplemental Vitamin D can cause serious mineral imbalances in body including increased serum calcium, depletion of Magnesium, Vitamin A and increases risk of Calcification. I understand this delicate balance, that's why my interpretation of lab testing is vastly different from your Doctor. 

Few years back, I was in the same situation. I also thought all my values are normal based on those broad ranges. When I started reading scientific literature, started booking consults with experts, learning from Researchers, Doctors and Scientists who knew what they were talking about and who had Research and thousands of real life case studies to prove it, I started learning how to really interpret the lab results. 

I am not in anyway discrediting medical doctors or doubting their credibility. I have immense respect for what they have done or what they are doing. However, my interpretation is different from conventional interpretation of lab results. 
I have lost my hairs on sides. I have receding Hairline. Can you help ? 
I have limited success with helping people with receding hairline. I have advanced my hairline by 7-10 mm. I have changed my forehead size too. I have helped some people to see visible changes in their receding hairline. Look at the photos. 

If you still have smaller hairs along the hairline, then you have very good chance of getting them back. There is specific type of conflict which causes you to recede or recede faster, if we can identify it, your receding can stop once its resolved. 

If you can't identify it, all the Dermarolling, Detumescence, Oils, topicals, diet, supplements won't do much or anything. Once you resolve it, you will recover some of the hairs if its very recent, if it's long standing one, special means need to be used to gain more of that. 

However, I have limited success helping people who have receding hairline for quite some time. 

I was/am using Minoxidil and/or Finasteride, should I stop it completely or should I continue to use it ? 
Topical solutions like Minoxidil and medications like Finasteride actually help in stopping hair loss and regrowing new hair (not with everyone) However, they create dependence. You have to use them for lifetime in order to maintain the hair. There are horrible side effects, but even if you don't face them, whatever hair you are going to get will last temporarily. It means that once you stop using Minoxidil and Finasteride, you will go back to square one in next few months.

For some people, they work for a while and then they stop working for no apparent reason. They continue to lose their hair at alarming rate which is called "Rogaine Shed"

If you are going for Hair Regrowth Blueprint, I would recommend stop using them completely but if you fear that you will suddenly lose lot more hair, then you can stop the usage over the time. Reduce the frequency slowly and steadily over the months before completely stopping them. 

I don't want to buy Hair Regrowth Blueprint. Just tell me the simple trick to reverse my hair loss
If you don’t want to buy Hair Regrowth Blueprint, I can totally understand. However, as a sane person, I wouldn’t focus on telling you one simple trick to stop hair loss and regrow new hair. In my honest opinion, there is no single trick I know of that works for everyone.
If you are looking for that magic bullet, then you can stop reading this page now and instead search on Google, Forums, Reddit and Youtube where you can possibly find what you are looking for. I don’t know if that will work for you. But if you want to do that, more power to you.
I neither have one simple trick nor I have cure for hair loss and I don’t claim to have it. So it’s totally your choice whether you want my help or not.
Does it work for Females ? 
Yes, it does. 
Whether it's Male or Female, there are many common underlying factors which causes Hair Loss in both of them. If you start correcting them using your diet & lifestyle interventions to balance your hormones and using scalp stimulation exercise to activate dormant hair follicles, you should be able to see the difference. 
What happens once I make payment ? How I am going to get access to the material ? 
Once you finish the transaction, you will redirected to the content page and/or you will get purchase confirmation email notification from Instamojo/Gumroad where access link is provided. In case if you have any difficulty to access the content, you can always email me If you have used Paypal or other mode of transfer, you will get email within 12-24 hours after you make payment. 

How the content will be delivered ?
This is completely online. It's not an e-book. It's private access page which you will be given access to once you complete the transaction. You will get access to the entire content on that page including all the 5 Steps laid out in detail including diet , exercise, supplementation, experimental approaches, conflict resolution methods etc etc. 

Can I use it alongside another treatment ? 
It really depends. If you are taking OTC drugs like Propecia/Finasteride along with Minoxidil (Rogaine) then I would recommend you stop using them as long as you are following this 5 Step Methodology I am going to share with you. I don't recommend anyone using these drugs.
My approach is holistic and completely natural. It doesn't have any side effects if you follow it properly. Whatever money you are going to spend will mostly go towards food or supplementation which will eventually benefit your body. It's not wasted in buying drugs/steroids/shampoos/solutions you might never need.
However, if you want to continue using Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (Rogaine), then please don't invest into Hair Regrowth Blueprint.
If you are planning to undergo another natural treatment along with someone else, then most probably this will work for you as long as you follow the suggestions laid out inside Hair Regrowth Blueprint. If you are still not sure, you can always email me and ask me

But I eat very healthy food.... 
It depends on your definition of healthy. Based on the research data I have collected over last several months, what most people think healthy is not exactly healthy. Just because you are limiting outside food consumption, consume home made healthy meal and perform regular exercise doesn't mean you are eating healthy or living healthy. 

There is no specific definition of healthy. My definition of healthy diet is something you can easily get, locally grown, without chemicals or GMO, containing different varieties of grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, vegetables etc etc. 

There are 2 most important pillars you missed, i.e. Conflict and Gut Microbes. Eating healthy foods can only slow down their effects but wont stop it. 

Why not give away all the information free of cost ? 
Information wants to be free.” But if information is defined as that which most people don’t know or can’t know, then free information isn’t really information at all, is it? 

I get several emails, messages on a weekly basis where different people accuse me of scamming other individuals just because I have decided to charge for this. All such people want all the information free of cost and they resort to blaming, shaming, name calling me instead of asking me genuine questions.
First of all, I don't claim I have found a cure for baldness or hair loss. Based on my extensive research and experimentation, I have stopped my hair loss and started regrowing hair. I help others to achieve the same. I have documented all such methods inside the Hair Regrowth Blueprint.

Another important thing which I have found out is this "Those who actually pay for the information actually implement methods they have learned and tend to take faster action than those who get it for free"

Ask yourself this question. If you would have benefited from all the free information in the world about Hair Loss, you probably wouldn't be reading this page. Would you ?
I have organized all the relevant information in step by step manner so that you can get everything in one place.

When someone demands me for free help by abusing me, threatening me or playing emotional blackmail card, I answer the question like this
If I convince myself and my family to work for free and forgo eating...To spend 7-8 hours every day in Research and 2-3 hours to answer queries of those who have bought my book , then I would definitely consider giving my expert advice for free. 

I learned from one of my mentors that one of the greatest gifts you can give to the world is not only contribute to economy and but also truly transform the lives of customers.

And believe it or not, it's not actually in best interest of customer to give product for free. 

For most of people, the more we pay,the more we pay attention. Things we have worked hard for , we take it more seriously. 

When it comes to spending money, I know when I pay $2000 to my mentor or coach, I know I am going to take action on it and get much more ROI from that education. 

If you pay nothing, you will probably not take the advice seriously. 

When I wrote the book, I made a decision, I want to help few thousands people each year who are serious about making investment in themselves and make their life better. 

I would love to see you buy the book and transform your hair just like I did, (insert their name). It's amazing place to be. 

Why this is so expensive ?
I can’t answer that for you. I’ve spent more than $5000 to meet and learn from my mentors. Just look at my photos above. I regularly spend thousands of dollars to upgrade my knowledge. 
When you don't think you have money, instead of saying "It's so expensive" "I can't afford it" Ask yourself "How can I afford it ?

The quality of your life is determined by quality of questions you ask. 

You get what you want from the content you consume and implement.

Some people can get this material and do nothing with it. Others will implement one of the suggestions and get their hair back. 
It’s completely up to you. You have access to me through Email/Whatsapp/Phone. I have helped myself and several others to get their hair back. How many on the Internet can claim or showcase these kinds of results ? 

Do you give any discounts ? 
Sorry, no discounts. I give most of the valuable stuff free on email and blog. This is too valuable to discount. If you can't make this small investment for betterment of your hair and health, this is probably not right for you. 

Can I pay after I start seeing the results ? 
Sorry, it doesn't work like that. I want you to be equally invested in this. By making small investment in yourself, you are far more likely to succeed compared to if you don't make the investment. Because, if you do the investment, you are likely to follow the suggestions inside the blueprint.

You need to have SKIN IN THE GAME
If there is nothing at stake, if you have nothing to lose, chances are that you will do absolutely nothing. I am talking this based on experience of helping more than 100 people for free. I could be proven wrong but that's just minority. I have seen those who have invested are far more likely to succeed.

If money is the problem for you, read my journey, and other blog posts, you can still get the results following them. 

The more you pay, the more you pay attention and get results.
In case, if you don't see any results within 3-6 months, you can always ask for the refund. 

Can I get all this information free on the Internet ? 
Let's be honest. If you really invest a lot of time on the Internet, read books, research papers, buy courses and book consult with experts you will get most of the information. For remaining information, you either have to experiment yourself and with group of people. 

And if you develop Wisdom and Discernment (which is something nobody can teach you) so that you can identify which information is genuine and which is full of B.S. then certainly you won't need my or anyone's help. 

But there are few possible problems.
1. Do you really want to invest 1000+ hours on Internet going from blog to blog, forum to forum, video to video, book to book, scientific paper to scientific paper, course to course, expert to expert and find out what works and what doesn't ?
2. How would you know if something is genuine advice or someone's opinion ? Internet is filled with lots of bad advice from people with good intentions. Don't you think your Doctor would have read the research and told you this ?
3. Do you have time to self experiment with dozens of these methods ? What if they didn't work for you ?
That's why I invested a lot of my time & money in doing this research and self experimentation to see which works best for me and for those who take my help. 

Is this another "Hair Loss" "Hair Regrowth" scam floating on the Internet ? 
I am glad you asked this question. It means you are seriously exploring ways to help yourself with Hair Loss and Baldness. I know you are skeptical and you have to be skeptical when there are snake oil salesmen selling "CURES" for Hair Loss and Baldness.
There are few ways to spot scam from Genuine Products. Here are few guidelines.
1. They claim to regrow your hair back in just few weeks by eating some DHT blocking food or some supplement.
2. They also claim that "They have found a CURE which Pharmaceutical Companies don't want others to know" (In reality, they haven't found any cure for anything)
3. They always suggest that there is only ONE cause of Hair Loss/Baldness (supposedly DHT in most cases) This is not always the case. There are other Stress Hormones like Cortisol, Estrogen, Prolactin etc found to be elevated in Balding Men/Women.
4. They almost always use fake photos (photoshopped) and fake testimonials. You can do reverse image search on Google and find out that. Some who are very clever, lift photos from Instagram. 
5. You can't find them on Social Media/Internet.

In fact, you can find me on Facebook. I am providing you my real email id (connected to facebook) I am also providing you my mobile number. If I want to sell you counterfeit and scammy product, why would I do that ?
Another thing, I don't claim to have found cure for Baldness and Hair Loss. I have documented things which worked for me and others. I believe it will work for you.
I don't proclaim that you can regrow hair back in few weeks. It does happen. However, it's not a typical phenomenon. It takes at least 6 months to 2 years to see considerable new hair growth. I would rather be honest with you than giving you false promises. 

Do you have any questions ?
Call me/SMS me/Whatsapp me +918976835027 or email me at sukrutkhambete(@) or Add me on Facebook
Is there any guarantee ? 
Please understand that it’s not "do nothing and get your money back guarantee". If that’s your intention, don’t invest into this program.
However, if you are willing to do the work, here is how guarantee looks like

If you answer the Root Cause Questionnaire, Identify and work towards resolving the conflict, do the Lab Testing and make the appropriate changes suggested by me in your Diet and Lifestyle, keep in touch with me,  then you will start seeing thickening of existing hairs as many have experienced. You can click your photos right now and click your photos every 3 months with same length, combing style, camera, distance, lighting and compare. At the end of 6 months, if you don't see any improvement in photos, then just reach out to me and tell me what do you want : You still want my help or do you want refund. 

I will gladly refund all your money. If my approach doesn't work for you, I don't deserve to keep your money. 
Do you have any of your own medicines/shampoos/oils ?
I don't sell any shampoos/medicines or oils. However, I recommend few good oils/shampoos. I don't make any money out of recommending it to you. You can easily get those oils at your local store and shampoos through online and offline stores.
Will everyone using this will stop hair loss and start regrowing hair naturally ? 
I won't claim that everyone using this will stop hair loss and start regrowing hair naturally.
Depending on reason for your hair loss, your current level of your hair, your diet, your lifestyle, I can't guarantee that everyone will start regrowing hair naturally. 

However, what I CAN guarantee is that if you apply these techniques you will start treating your hair loss in right direction, you will know why you are having hair loss in the first place, you can definitely stop significant part of your hair loss and put your scalp in optimum condition for further hair regrowth. You can do it all naturally. 
Do hair regrow once they have fallen or miniaturized ? 
The hair follicles do not die, they go into hibernation. Not only do the hair follicles not die, they can be reactivated at any time. Your genes are highly reactive to your environment, and are constantly adapting for your survival.
Does that mean, everyone can regrow their hair ?
Theoretically speaking "YES", practically speaking "NO"
Not everyone can regrow their hair back. In some cases, people will completely stop hair loss and maintain current level of hair and in other cases, people will not only stop the hair loss/miniaturization but they will partially or fully recover already lost hair.
The time taken by each person will vary depending upon the root cause/s, his current level of hair, diet and lifestyle. 
Is Hair Regrowth Easy ?
No, not at all. If Hair Regrowth is so easy then everybody would have done it.
It's matter of patience, persistence, perseverance and follow through. The same reason, I have created Whatsapp group to get you into the right peer group, constant motivation from other members who are experiencing the results and chance to share your personal challenges and get answers from those who have gone through the process before you. 
How much money I have to spend each month ?
It depends on several factors like what you are eating, what you are not eating, what you require, where you live, your physical activity etc etc. 

However, rough estimate would be anywhere from 2000-10000 Rs ($50 to $200) This money will include mostly food and supplements as per requirement. 
I am vegetarian. How this will help ?
As a vegetarian, your food choices to get high quality protein are less. But if you are ready to embrace partial non-vegetarianism by eating Dairy, Eggs etc or if you can choose high quality and diverse vegetarian food sources to fulfill that requirement then that won't be an issue. 

I mentioned this because high quality non-veg sources have heme iron (more bio-available), zinc, high quality protein, fat soluble vitamins like A, D, K2 etc etc which are required for Hair as well as proper functioning of your body. 
What's the difference between your book and other hair loss books and products on Market ?

Good question. The short answer is several differences. 

a. I am the real person who suffered from Hair loss. I don’t hide behind fake names. I am totally accessible on facebook, whatsapp, email, phone. I do answer questions, emails, phone calls. It might take a little while to answer them if I am traveling or researching something. My responses might get delayed but I do answer most of the questions I get in group and personally.

b. I use real photos I get from users. I don’t use stock images. You can verify some/all testimonials by actually communicating with those people with their permission. In short, I am transparent or you can do reverse image search on Google. 

c. I constantly update my material based on my continual research, understanding and experimenting myself and with group of more than 500 individuals combined. I provide the updated link free to everyone who have bought the previous versions. I actually test these theories with myself and others. I don't just write research based articles/blog posts. The research means nothing if it doesn't work for regular folks. 

d. I invest highly in my education so that I can better serve the people I am working with. The people I am working with help me make better product. 

e. I base my recommendations on lab results, current diet, lifestyle rather than some random things you find on Internet, Youtube, Reddit, Forums. 
Relationship of Early Onset Baldness to Prostate Cancer in African-American Men
Relationship Between Male Pattern Baldness and the Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer: An Analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial
Male pattern baldness and risk of colorectal neoplasia
Male pattern baldness and its association with coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis
Association Between Androgenetic Alopecia and Coronary Artery Disease in Young Male Patients
Epigenetics : The Science of Change
Epigenetics and Lifestyle
Long-term treatment with finasteride 1 mg decreases the likelihood of developing further visible hair loss in men with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss)
Five-year follow-up of men with androgenetic alopecia treated with topical minoxidil.
Characterization of inflammatory infiltrates in male pattern alopecia: implications for pathogenesis
Androgenetic alopecia and microinflammation
Assessment of the usefulness of dihydrotestosterone in the diagnostics of patients with androgenetic alopecia
Regulation of Human Hair Growth by Steroid Hormones. I. Testosterone Metabolism in Isolated Hairs
Prostaglandin D2 Inhibits Hair Growth and Is Elevated in Bald Scalp of Men with Androgenetic Alopecia
Endocrine Physiology (Oxford Medicine Publications)
Inflammation. Mediators and Outcome
Antiinflammatory effect of androgen receptor activation in human benign prostatic hyperplasia cells
Effects of interleukins, colony-stimulating factor and tumour necrosis factor on human hair follicle growth in vitro: a possible role for interleukin-1 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha in alopecia areata.
Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use
The diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency and its potential relationship to hair loss
Analysis of Serum Zinc and Copper Concentrations in Hair Loss
Serum ferritin and vitamin d in female hair loss: do they play a role?
Skin in protein energy malnutrition
Spermidine Promotes Human Hair Growth and Is a Novel Modulator of Human Epithelial Stem Cell Functions
A Review of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Human Semen and the Formulation of a Semen Simulant;jsessionid=96B176AE3FF7C1E2C09BD694BEE7818C.f04t02
Update on the relationship between magnesium and exercise
The excretion of trace metals in human sweat
Sweat iron and zinc losses during prolonged exercise
Effect of gliadin on permeability of intestinal biopsy explants from celiac disease patients and patients with non-celiac gluten sensitivity
Prevention and management of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced small intestinal injury
Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity: a Comprehensive Update
Leaky gut and autoimmune diseases
The Perfect Stress Storm
Health Implications of High Dietary Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids
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Intervention strategies for cesarean section–induced alterations in the microbiota-gut-brain axis
Iron, Food Enrichment and The Theory of Everything
Iron behaving badly: inappropriate iron chelation as a major contributor to the aetiology of vascular and other progressive inflammatory and degenerative diseases
Dr Rei Ogawa: Mechanotherapy for a New Era in Medicine and Possibility of Hair Regeneration
Finasteride increases anagen hair growth
Activation of cytoprotective prostaglandin synthase-1 by minoxidil as a possible explanation for its hair growth-stimulating effect
Activation of cytoprotective prostaglandin synthase-1 by minoxidil as a possible explanation for its hair growth-stimulating effect
Cytosolic phospholipase A2-driven PGE2 synthesis within unsaturated fatty acids-induced lipid bodies of epithelial cells.
Inhibition of steroid 5 alpha-reductase by specific aliphatic unsaturated fatty acids

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